The apartment is located on the main street of Aprica, a tourist resort much appreciated for its natural heritage that attracts visitors both in winter and summer. This warm and welcoming two-room apartment represents the ideal refuge to dedicate yourself to relaxation and spend unforgettable holidays. The two-room apartment consists of an entrance hall, a cozy living area with open kitchen, dining table and sofa bed, a double bedroom with wardrobe and a bathroom with shower and washing machine. The apartment has a balcony from which you can enjoy a pleasant panorama, overlooking the ski slopes. Monthly rates: • 1.300,00€ for monthly rent • 100,00€ for building fees • 150,00€ for utilities (heating, water, electricity, gas, wifi) Total of monthly cost: 1.550,00€ You will pay once (una tantum, upon contract signature) the following amounts: • 1.300€: security deposit (it will be refunded after check-out if everything is OK); • 170,00€ (VAT included) customer care services (every day from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m.), opening and closing of the rental contract, delivery and collection of keys in presence. • 150,00€ (VAT included) for the final cleanin...
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