Wonderful 3 bedroom apartment in the heart of the city close to the famous Synagogue. There are 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, a kitchen, a livingroom and a balcony. 3×2 people can be accommodated in the separated bedrooms The entire apartment has floor heating in all rooms which is ideal during the cold season and perfect for families with young children. There is high-speed internet, 4 airconditioner for free! The flat has a balcony with a view to the city. This apartment is situated in the Old Jewish Quarter of Budapest in the 7th district. Anything you need is nearby, everything is just walking distance. You can find a lot of cafés and restaurants close to the apartment. You stay be just some corners away from the Szimpla kert ruin pub and from one of the most popular place of the district, the Gozsdu Court. All the famous sights can be reached easily by walk. I’m sure you will love this place...
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