This recently renovated 1-bedroom apartment awaits guests who want to spend time in Budapest in a modern, orderly and quality environment. In addition to the fireplace in the apartment, a good atmosphere is guaranteed. The apartment is located on the beautiful side of Buda, yet the city center can be easily reached within 15 minutes, as it is located in the immediate vicinity of a popular transport point. About an apartment It can accommodate 4 people. The apartment has 1 bedroom, living room, kitchen, bathroom with shower and toilet, leisure room. Fully equipped (washing machine, microwave oven, TV, dishwasher, oven, etc.), the apartment is spacious and bright, the kitchen is suitable for cooking (dishes, plates, cutlery, etc.). The apartment also has a cozy balcony with a beautiful view, as well as a leisure room for those who want to do sports. We provide all our guests with a complete set of bed linen and towels! Free Wi-F...
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