For rent: a large double room with an area of 22 m2 in a four-room apartment (2 double rooms, 2 single rooms) with a total area of about 140 m2. The apartment is located on the top floor of a 6-story building with an elevator. There is a 24-hour porter's desk on the ground floor. The building has a camera on each floor and outside. Excellent location at Odrzańska Street (2 minutes walk to the Main Market Square, 2 minutes walk to the University of Wrocław). Restaurants and shops downstairs. The room and the apartment are fully equipped with all household appliances, as well as pots, dishes, cutlery, cleaning products and equipment, bedding. The kitchen with the dining room is large, spacious, with three windows. Large bathroom with a window. A spacious hall with a large number of windows (view of the area and the University of Wrocław) stretches along the entire apartment from the entrance to the kitchen. The rooms are arranged along the hall, isolated from each other by several meters of dormers. Each tenant has a lot of privacy. Common living room, kitchen with dining room, bathroom, utility room. The room has two double beds, bedside tables, desks, chairs, double wardrobe, chest of drawers, carpets, lamps. Arrangement of furniture, change to be agreed. The photos do not reflect the spaciousness of the apartment...
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