" Expats -3.5 fully furnished business apartment @ 8152 opfikon, Glattbrugg" Close to Zurich main station (20 minuets ) and Zurich airport (15 minutes) by public transport. This is really a beautiful ́home away from home ́ unit. You will thoroughly enjoy your stay here. Public transportation network in Switzerland is one of the best globally. The next bus stop that takes you to Winterthur Train Station is just a minute walk. Can be rented as full apartment or on sharing basis. Ideal for a corporate guest with multiple employees or big families or couple of people on sharing basis. Special offer to expats for the full or shared apartment. Two bedrooms, one living room, separate kitchen, bathroom and toilet is ideal for a 3 - 4 people. Discover our extensive selection of apartments located throughout Switzerland. You can rent the apartment for 2 nights, weekly & for long term. Rent negotiable for long term corporate guests or a group of friends. The rent mentioned includes maintenance cost and internet but excludes private usage of electricity Please note that all our 100 plus apartments are fully furnished business apartments! (hidden)sSwiss ExpatLiving SwissHomes ServiceApartments BusinessApartments SharingApartments ApartmentsforExpats In der Nähe des Hauptbahnhofs Zürich (20 Minuten) und des Flughafens Zürich (15 Minuten) mit öffentlichen Verkehrsmitteln. Dies ist wirklich eine wunderschöne Einheit, in der man sich wie zu Hause fühlen kann. Sie werden Ihren Aufenthalt hier rundum genießen. Das öffentliche Verkehrsnetz der Schweiz gehört zu den besten weltweit. Die nächste Bushaltestelle, die Sie zum Bahnhof Winterthur bringt, ist nur eine Minute zu Fuß entfernt. Kann als komplette Wohnung oder als Wohngemeinschaft gemietet werden. Ideal für einen Firmengast mit mehreren Mitarbeitern oder großen Familien oder mehreren Personen, die sich ein Zimmer teilen. Sonderangebot für Expats für die komplette Wohnung oder Wohngemeinschaft. Zwei Schlafzimmer, ein Wohnzimmer, separate Küche, Bad und WC sind ideal für 3 bis 4 Personen. Entdecken Sie unser umfangreiches Angebot an Wohnungen in der ganzen Schweiz. Sie können die Wohnung für 2 Nächte, wöchentlich oder langfristig mieten. A tastefully done and cosy home-away-from-home unit with two bedrooms and one bathroom - toilet and bathtub Highlights 3.5 rooms - 2 bedrooms and one living room Fully furnished Antique exteriors with fully modern interiors Washing machine and dryer in the apartment Ready-to-move-in Easy access through public transport to Zurich main station and airport What this home offers: . Well-appointed kitchen (including microwave, refrigerator, dishwasher, crockery, cutlery, utensils) . Dining table and chairs . Smart TV and a high-speed Internet connection . Wardrobe and shoe rack . Good quality bed with side tables, mattresses, (bed covers and pillows are provided) . Well accessorized bathroom (including towels and curtains) . Steam iron and ironing board No parking for the apartment. But paid public parking is available in blue zone. Public transportation network in Switzerland is one of the best globally. We have more than 100 apartments in the German speaking parts of Switzerland - Zürich, Bern, Basel, Luzern, Zug, Lauterbrunnen and Davos. These apartments also include some touristic apartments and majestic Chalet. Please feel free to pass this on among your friends and colleagues...
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