A minute walk from Badisher Bahnhof and within walking distance from Roche, Novartis and Syngenta. This 2.5 bed rooms (1 bedrooms and one living room) apartment on the 4th floor with is a fully furnished and beautifully done unit is ideally meant for long / short term stays. You have all what you need in a normal kitchen n home. We have several apartments all over Switzerland. Flexible checking-in time. Just walk-in... •Well equipped kitchen •Dining table & chairs •Microwave oven, refrigerator and dishwasher •All basic utensils and cutlery •Smart TV & Internet •Wardrobe & shoe rack •Good quality bed with side tables, mattresses, bed covers and pillows •Bathrooms with accessories, towels and curtains •Steam iron and ironing board and •Washing machine & dryer (common / shared) •God for heavenly blessings !!!! Long term renting on flexible terms and conditions preferred...
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