Super brand new family home, lots of space and light for a relaxing stay. Excellent links to the Midlands, Worcestershire and the south west. Nearing Welsh borders with motorway access within a 5-10 min drive. Family holidays, working professionals, and contractors welcome. Stourport -on-Severn (Stourport) is a lively riverside Georgian town, set on the banks of the River Severn, which was developed with the building of the Staffordshire and Worcestershire Canal in 1771. Based in the Wyre Forest District of North Worcestershire, Stourport is a popular inland day-trip and holiday destination with the atmosphere of a true maritime holiday resort. Stourport is a great day out for the whole family, with places to eat and drink, events and attractions all on and by the water in the surrounding and picturesque Severn Valley. Popular activities include boat trips, visiting Hartlebury castle and Heritage rooms, visiting the Arboretum and Worcestershire county museum, Go Ape and many many more fun family day outs. Other nearby popular destinations highly recommended are the neighbouring towns of Omberdsley and Bewdley...
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