Are you looking for a newly renovated luxurious and furnished living space in the Arnhem region? Then this living space in Velp is the perfect solution for you! With a temporary rental home of up to 12 months you can enjoy the comfort of your own place, without the high costs of a hotel. You are assured of a permanent and cozy location during your stay, so you will quickly feel at home. From your own front door you enter the studio, which has an open layout with a cozy sitting area and a sleeping area. The studio has a stylish wooden PVC floor with underfloor heating. In addition, the studio has its own bathroom and kitchen, so you can enjoy optimal privacy and comfort during your stay. The studio is fully furnished and equipped with smart TV, internet, double box spring, custom-made wardrobe and sleek wall and ceiling finishes. The studio also enjoys a lot of light through the large windows and unobstructed views. Next to the studio you will find a Lidl for your daily shopping, and the center of Velp is just a 2-minute walk away. Velp station is also nearby, which ensures excellent accessibility by public transport...
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