This exquisite and charming one-bedroom apartment is a real gem in the center of Vienna. It impresses with a special coziness and tasteful furnishings that create a sophisticated and inviting atmosphere. The heart of the flat is the cozy bedroom, which offers maximum comfort and convenience. The bathroom is stylishly designed and modernly equipped. The interior has been selected with great care and features high-quality materials and modern design elements. This Apartment is nestled in the heart of Vienna’s 6th district. It is conveniently situated just around the corner from Gumpendorfer Straße, home to an array of chic furniture boutiques and design studios. This vibrant neighborhood has become a creative hub in Vienna, dotted with art galleries and ateliers. Within the 6th district lies the iconic Naschmarkt bustling with colorful stalls and eateries, the Museums Quarter – a sprawling cultural complex ranked among Europe’s largest, and Mariahilferstraße – Vienna’s premier shopping boulevard...
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