Private studio apartment Fully Furnished Turnkey ready A Cozy studio near to all the trainstations , with private entrance, private bathroom, kitchen, bed and living room: Station Zoetermeer Oost: 8 minuten walk (600 meter). RandstadRail Station Delftsewallen: 9 minuten walk (700 meter). RandstadRail Station Dorp: r 15 minuten walk (1,2 km) Upscale neighbourhood only a few minutes to Den Haag by rail to Den Haag Centraal, the travel time depends on the transport mode: 🚆 By train: ± 10 minutes (NS Sprinter). 🚋 By RandstadRail (Light Rail): ± 25-30 minutes (via Delftsewallen or Dorp, RandstadRail 3 or 4). 🚗 By car: ± 15-20 minutes (depending on traffic). In quiet and calm street with private entrance and private bathroom and kitchen. Fully furnished, turnkey ready , big two person sleeping couch included. Washing machine etc. etc. everything you see in the photo's are available....
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