Furnished room in a 3-bedroom apartment. The room has a small private balcony. The furniture includes a mezzanine bed, a desk with organizer and lamp, a chair, a wardrobe, a bedside table, a trash can and an electrical outlet. The kitchen is fully equipped with hob, oven, microwave, combined refrigerator, washing machine, dishwasher and other small appliances (toaster, coffee machine, etc). The apartment is quiet, clean and non-smoking. Cleaning is shared among all housemates. Expenses (wifi, water, electricity, gas) are included. I do petsitting, so there are animals (mainly dogs) from time to time. Animals like cats, dogs and ferrets are not allowed, as some of my clients are dogs that do not tolerate other animals. Any animal in a cage that does not leave the room is allowed. Close to FCT and Egas Moniz Close to the boat to Belém and the tram stop to Monte de Caparica The nearest shops are Continente, Aldi and Lidl, about 20 minutes by foo...
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