We are offering a room in a 3-bedroom apartment located in the centre of Ljubljana, only about a minute away from the Dragon Bridge, Three Bridges (Prešern square), Faculty of Law, Faculty of Medicine, and Faculty of Criminology... The room is very nice and bright; it has 24 m2, TV, bed (140x200), closet, big desk, chair, private balcony, big window and a nice view. The apartment is completely renewed in 2016; all household appliances (dishwasher, washing machine, fridge, freezer, stove, oven, ironing set etc.) are new, as well as kitchen, toilette and bathroom, doors, windows and floors. The apartment is shared with two Erasmus students (mixed gender). Distance from: supermarket (10 m), bus station (15 m), restaurants and cafes’ (30m), Ljubljanica River (30 m). Price: 550€/month (all expenses included). 400€ safety deposit. Address: Ilirska ulica 4, Ljubljana...
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