If you want to enjoy the most charming area of Valencia, quiet, safe and with all the services, you have chosen Mislata: very well connected and with the gardens of the main park to walk and disconnect from stress, you can move by metro to the center in a few minutes or by bus or bike. Large supermarkets, library, sports center, gyms, universities, IFP centers, areas enabled for public parking. Improvements have been made in common areas and rooms in summer 2023 '' 'We loved this property. It’s a neat apartment in a quiet residential neighborhood. Even though the area is super chill, you can still find everything you need for your everyday life.” We think this apartment is perfect for students. Granted, Mislata is not a super central location, but its laid-back vibes will help you focus on school. Smoker? You can puff away on the balcony...
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