SPACIOUS LUMINOUS DOUBLE BEDROOM! SMART OFFER 700 EURO Spacious, luminous SMART double bedroom 750 euro monthly rent inclusive of water, gas, electricity and unlimited Internet in SMART apartment within 5 minutes walking distance of frequent high-speed tram service to Florence city centre. SMART location for students studying at Careggi, Morgagni, Sesto Fiorentino, Novoli as well as Florence city centre campuses and schools. BE SMART & BOOK NOW! These are the booking periods for interested students: September to January (5 months); January to July (7 months); September to July (11 months). Preference will be given to long term rental requests (11-12 months). SMART DOUBLE BEDROOM: Be inspired! live your dreams and have a good time! Spacious, luminous, well-furnished double bedroom with comfy double bed, lots of storage space, study desk and SMART TV Netflix and Internet. The photos don't deceive! SMART APARTMENT: Located on the 1st floor with fast elevator. There are 4 inspirational bedrooms, lounge area with TV, a fully equipped spacious kitchen with a flat-screen TV, washing machine, 2 super fridges as well as an outside balcony and a spacious bathroom. The local area is well-serviced with supermarkets (Penny Market, Conad and. Coop), pharmacies, banks, post office, coffee bars and gyms. FINANCIAL COSTS: 1) Monthly rent is 750 Euro inclusive of all utilities and Internet. 2) Housing deposit is 750 euro. This will be returned to the student when s/he vacates the apartment. 3) Registration with Italian Tax Office and official copy of student housing contact is 120 euro. 4) Housing Service Fee is 200 euro for all admin costs, 24/7 student SOS assistance as well as the extraordinary cleaning of the student’s bedroom when s/he departs....
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