Property description Fully furnished apartment with balcony. It has 40m2, two bedrooms, living room, kitchen and bathroom Area activities Gràcia - Formerly a separate village, Gràcia has now been absorbed into Barcelona's urban fabric. It still retains its own unique personality and age-old customs among its network of small, narrow bustling streets and numerous squares where locals meet. One of Gràcia's most important tourist attractions is undoubtedly Park Güell, one of Gaudí's masterpieces and a UNESCO World Heritage Site Driving directions It is located in the popular district of Gracia, on a quiet street. Very close to Park Guell. Airports Prat Airport (T1 & T2), 20 mins driving Other transport Nearest metro stations: L3 - VALLCARCA and LESSEPS Policies & conditions This property is rented for a mid-term period, you can rent it from 1 to 8 months. It does not include final cleaning or agency fees, and requires a guarantee/deposit according to the leasing period. Agency fee: 1 - 4 months: 70% of the monthly rent + VAT 4 - 8 months: 80% of the monthly rent + VAT 🕗 Check-in times: Weekdays from 10 am to 6 pm 💰Late Check-in fee: If check-in is out of this schedule €80 extra will be charged. 💰Late Move-in fee: €80 extra will be charged if the move-in takes place on a date different from the one originally requested by the tenant Please note: - In case of excessive mess/dirt at the time of the move-out, a fee of 120 EUR may be charged. - Cleaning fee may vary depending on the apartment size....
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