Please note that this is a shared room for two tenants. New pictures will be uploaded soon. Fully furnished (200 sqm) double- Apartment with 8 single- and 3 shared - room in a shared flat which fulfills all your daily living requirements. We have 2 toilets and a big kitchen with an breakfast - area. The apartment comes readily equipped with a kitchen, including refrigerator, dishwasher, cooking equipment and dishes. The flat also includes a washing machine and Wi-Fi Internet. Each room is fully furnished and offers a comfortable bed with fresh linen and a work-space. The property located in well served area that provides you with several shopping opportunities and excellent connections to public transport. More information: -The monthly rent includes: Rent + Heating + Electricity + Water + Furniture + Internet. All flat. -Preferably Student and Working professionals that are {20 years-40 years} -Duration of the rental agreement: unlimited -Registration is possible....
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