APARTMENT FOR RENT (co-share) In a gorgeous freshly refurbished apartment, (everything brand new) 7 mins walk from IPAG, in a quiet and peaceful environment; I am offering the possibilty for 3 students to share the following facilities: 3 independent bedrooms, including private shower. Every room has a large bed 140 cm wide, wall cupboards and a work desk and chair. Blankets and pillows as well as bedlinen and towels are supplied. Specially designed so that each person can live independently and feel at home in their own personal space. There is also a very modern fully-equipped kitchen complete with dishwasher, washing and drying machine. A special TV corner just adds that social touch! If you are looking for a quiet peaceful place to do your studies, you have found the ideal one but you should know, however, that the apartment is conceived to receive 3 students and that each student has their own personal limited space. In order to ensure the tranquility of each student, it is not possible for the student to receive friends or family to sleep (obviously) or to stay in the apartment. Monthly Rent for the entire flat and for 3 persons for the summer season : 2 505,00 € + electricity consumption to be shared between the tenants. (wifi included) 1 month deposit, 100€/per student (maid fees) at the check out only...
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