Про орендодавця

Вітаю, мене звати Michal!

About us 🌟 We are a student accommodation operator in Prague. We provide facilities for the student community and operate eight dormitories with more than 4000 beds and additional services such as a sports-centre, canteens, and more. We are managed by a director appointed by the Academic Senate, who is directly accountable to the rector’s office. Their task is to define the direction of future development of the halls of residence and canteens, depending on the school’s expected growth and the student community’s future needs. A council of a hall of residence is an essential advisory and consulting authority. The student community elects the Council to represent the interests of students living in the dormitories. This connection between the management and the student community via their appointed representatives contributes to higher socialization of individuals in the team and partial arrangement of their further development. • Information about moving in 🗝️ Come in person to the assigned dormitory to the Dormitory Manager’s office on weekdays during office hours. If you need to move in outside the office hours, please inform the dormitory manager three working days in advance. The moving-in will take place at the assigned hall of residence, where you will receive room keys and an entrance card to the building, in return for a refundable deposit of CZK 500 (20 EUR). • What you should bring to check-in 👜 - Identity card (international students should bring their valid passports) - Confirmation of studies • Accommodation contract & electronic signing of the contract 📃 It is necessary to sign the contract electronically in the ISKAM interface after booking via HousingAnywhere. It is, of course, possible to study and go through the contract before signing. The contract can be signed in ISKAM 7 days before the beginning of the tenancy, when the possibility of electronic signature will be activated. • Keys, bed linen 🛏️ Before moving in, the electronically signed contract must be entered into the ISKAM interface. Upon arrival at the dormitory, you will receive room keys. Bed linen will be provided for each student with a valid reservation. If you have your bed linen, it is necessary to return the bed linen provided by the dormitory to the bed linen depot during office hours. • Registration form for the Foreigner Police of the Czech Republic👮 According to the Law about the Residence of Foreigners in the Czech Republic No. 222/2017, students of a nationality other than the Czech Republic must fill in a registration form upon arrival, which they will then submit at the reception or place in a designated box in the entrance area of the dormitory. Forms are available at the reception and in the entrance areas of the dormitory. The dormitory manager will ask students to fill out this form. • Checking-into the room 🤝 After receiving the keys, the room is checked. You carry out this checking yourself, and no dormitory employee is present. Immediately after entering the room for the first time, check that the room and its equipment are in proper and fit condition. On the same day, enter any detected defects or missing inventory in the defect list on the ISKAM system. We look forward to welcoming you to our student community in Prague! 🏡



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вересень 2024

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